NA Social Events: Schaatsen

We komen samen om 14u30 aan schaatsbaan Antarctica , Moerelei 119 , 2610 Antwerpen.

Ter plaatse schaatsen we ongeveer 1,5 uur om erna nog iets kleins te drinken in de cafetaria.
Kostprijs: 15€ zonder drank



NA-Christmas Party-2024

NA Christmas Party

Dear NA Members,

This year’s Christmas Party will take place on the 7th of January.


15.30: Doors open

16.00 – 17.15: Meeting

18.00: Diner


Edegemsestraat 26, 2640 Mortsel


Adult: €17,5 / Person + free gift

Children under 12: free (should be mentioned in your registration)

Your registration is complete after transferring to
BE73 0838 7149 2560.

Please mention your first name and initials of your last name.

Register here!